The highlight of 31 weeks of pregnancy was Eid Holiday. Yup, we had Idul Fitri holiday at that week. While I was initially worried because of no maid at home, I felt happy and relieved. Why? Because I get to be with my husband 24 hours! He was having his Eid holiday too therefore no need to go to work yayyy! The kids were also having their school days off, so it was the five of us the entire time. Love!
This Idul Fitri we had our sholat Id for the first time after two years of social distancing Eid Holiday! Alhamdulillah! It felt so good to feel the real ambience of Idul Fitri, all of muslim gathered together in a mosque for sholat Id!
This Idul Fitri we had a pretty packed schedule for family gathering. We were still in the middle of a pandemic and I still had a bit of trauma after having Covid-19. The fact that I was going to meet lots of people—although they were all my family members—was terrifying to me. Hopefully everything would be fine.
No maid at home meant that I must do household chores. Thankfully my husband and kids helped a lot (the kids had their own chores to do, we trained them to be independent and dicipline!). We went out for family gathering almost everyday. I was pretty exhausted but alhamdulillah I had no problem with the pregnancy. The baby seemed to be fine also. He kicked a lot still!