A former CR Girl with experiences in automotive industry
I studied Communication and finished with an undergraduate thesis titled Construction of Fashion Journalism in “The September Issue” Documentary Film. It landed me my first experience in a branding and design agency. That was where I learned about writing and off course a little bit of branding.
The journey continued with a seven year tenure in automotive industry. It has taught me a lot about customer service, event planning, and management.
There were plenty to learn from those years that shaped me into who I am today.
Versatile and resourceful. Fortune favors the bold.
“People respond well to those that are sure of what they want.” – Anna Wintour

1. Customer Relations Coordinator, Auto2000 Wiyung Surabaya Branch), 2012-2020.
- Ensured the services provided within branch were according to company’s standard and achieved the targeted customer satisfaction level.
- Managed customer gathering, CSR, community, promotional and launching events for the branch and Surabaya area.
- Initiated communications between the branch management’s team and employees as well as trainings and counseling to obtain voice of employees, ideas and resolve work-related issues.
- Assisted the sales contest candidate for National Toyota-Astra Motor Dealer People Contest 2019 in which the contestant achieved the 3rd Winner Award.
2. Research Assistant, lia s associates Branding & Design, September-April 2012.
- Assisted the PhD research conducted by the company founder while also occasionally doubled as in-house copywriter and proof reader for the company.

1. Volunteer (Announcer & Management Team), Petra Campus Radio, September 2006-2011.
- Brainstormed with the writers to create scripts, requested and arranged the properties and wardrobe for shoots, suggested and calling actors to guest-star in the show, coordinated the extras and created weekly rating reports. Occasionally also helped the preparations and live shooting of Derings, The Promotor and Saatnya Kita Sahur.
- Scriptwriting for the program.
Organizations and Events:
- Organized events, designs and marketing promotion tools for branch and Surabaya regional events, Auto2000, 2012-2020.
- Various events at Faculty of Communication Science, PCU, 2009.
- Committee in Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara (KPPS) Pilkada, 2009.
- Freelance Model in Tabloid Muslim Nurani, 2004.
Trainings and Certifications:
- Winning Personal Approach for CRC Training, LPPMS Mustika Ratu & Auto2000, April 2018.
- Customer Relations Training Level 3, Toyota-Astra Motor, December 2017.
- Customer Relations Training Level 3, Toyota-Astra Motor, December 2017.
- Culture Change Agent Onboarding Program, ACT Consultant & Auto2000, May 2017.
- Customer Relations Training Level 2, Toyota-Astra Motor, September 2014.
- Customer Relations Training Level 1, Toyota-Astra Motor, April 2014.
- Delivering WOW: Creating Customers Advocates Through Service, Markplus Inc., October 2013.
- Radio Education Training, Petra Christian University, January 2007.
- Nivea-Kawanku Follow Your Dreams Fashion Design Workshop, 2002.