Hello! This is the second part of my retrospective post on my days as a CR Girl. In my previous post, I already explained what I did within my job title's scope, a.k.a Customer Relations. Here I'd like to share about the variety of activities that I did, as a CR, that...
Days as a CR Girl
What I Learned from The Days as A CR Girl: #1 The Activities
Last October I went to visit my parents and to pick up some stuff. When I was about to go home, my brother (and also my Mom) urged me to bring out some of my belongings that I still left there. He was cleaning my bedroom to be used as his home-office and he needed the...
Full Circle Round at HRM
I tried to move on but the universe don't seem to let me. Haha. Just kidding! Beberapa waktu lalu saya dihubungi oleh Pak Djoko, my former branch manager at Wiyung branch. Yup, I have resigned, therefore he is my former branch manager plus... lucunya...
Final Lap: Gathering at Roppan, Pakuwon Mall
It is December already, the end of 2019 is drawing near but it also means that waktu efektif bekerja tinggal sedikit karena banyak terpotong libur Natal dan akhir tahun... Banks are closing and off course our customers are going away for the holiday, most of them...
Project Terakhir EO Wiyungers
It really is the end of the year! Akhir tahun always gives me chill. Kombinasi antara cuaca dingin dan hawa liburan memang bikin suasana terasa istimewa. Apalagi sekarang, I feel like I'm counting the days until I bid goodbye to a company that's been raising me (and...
Farewell OM Jatim: Kebut 3 Hari
ration Manager Jatim, Bpk. Hendra Purnawan sudah saatnya memasuki masa purna bakti. Tentu saja pasti akan ada event yang diadakan untuk memberikan apresiasi atas dedikasi dan kontribusi beliau selama berkarya di Auto2000. Operation Manager secara struktur membawahi...
Once More, with Feelings
Ah...I got a birthday surprise from my friends at work. Alhamdulillah.This is the eventual birthday surprise before I go to a new path in my life. I am going to miss this.Perhaps I played it cool, but sincerely I was grateful. Thank you.
Toyota Spektakuler Exhibition at Pakuwon Mall
Hallo blog sayang, I'm baaack... dengan sebuah cerita tentang satu lagi event wilayah yang diadakan di Pakuwon Mall. Sekitar akhir September, Pak Djoko, Kacab saya share file marketing tools dari pusat. Jadi, jika ada payung program atau program yang dibuat...
WTH: Wiyungers Treasure Hunt!
Setiap tahun, perusahaan mengadakan acara outing karyawan. Intinya sih seluruh karyawan diajak pelesir, biasanya nginep semalam di luar kota. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini beragam: untuk refreshing karyawan, "mencairkan" suasana biar nggak kaku urusin kerjaan...
A Morning Rush at the Mall: New Calya Press Con
"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." Oprah Winfrey Kalo ditanya, apa mall favorit saya di Surabaya, gambaran yang pertama muncul di kepala saya adalah Pakuwon Mall. Yep. I know the mall like the back of my hand and it is...
GIIAS 2019 Prep: Deg-degan di Last Minute
It's that time of the year again! Setiap tahun ada beberapa pameran otomotif besar yang rutin diikuti oleh Toyota. Salah satunya adalah yang diadakan di akhir Maret hingga awal April 2019 ini, yaitu GIIAS (Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show). Gaikindo...
Turned Over a New Leaf: The Journey Began
My journey in the company started out on April 25, 2012. I was working my first job as a Research Assistant in a branding and design agency when I received a phone call from the Administration Head of Auto2000 HR Muhammad (HRM), telling me that I...
- Ryo on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Makasih kak atas informasi nya, jangan lupa berkunjung ke web nikaniku ya..” May 15, 10:23
- Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikel ini bakalan berguna sekali buat istri yang sedang hamil, soalnya dicoba beberapa skincare tapi gak cocok buat bumil katanya” May 15, 05:50on
- Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Whoaa thanks yaa kak untuk infonya. Jadi paham tentang skincare buat bumil baik buruknya. Semoga kalau nanti sudah punya pasangan…” May 15, 04:04on
- Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikelnya bagus dan informatif sekali, mungkin akan sya simpan untuk beberapa orang yang memerlukan informasi ini.. terimakasih telah berbagi informasinya…” May 15, 03:26on
- Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Wah keren nih skincare-nya bumil dan busui friendly. Memang kalau lagi hamil harus tetap cantik tanpa membahayakan janin” May 15, 03:09on