Skincare and Beauty

Review: Like I’m 5 Sunscreen

Review: Like I’m 5 Sunscreen

Sunscreen has been a part of my skincare routine since 2012. Yes, it was the year I started working, thus having my own money to spend on my desired skincare products and one of them is sunscreen. For all of these years, I have only used 3 brands of sunscreen. I'd...

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Review: Wardah Hydra Rose Dewy Aqua Day Gel

Review: Wardah Hydra Rose Dewy Aqua Day Gel

Sejak pertama kali menggunakan skincare, tidak banyak pelembab yang pernah saya coba. Saya bukanlah tipe orang yang suka gonta-ganti skincare terutama pelembab wajah. Jenis kulit saya berminyak tapi sensitif. Hmmm urusan kulit sensitif ini sebadan sih. Di wajah,...

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Pampering Day: Beauty Class with Clinique

Pampering Day: Beauty Class with Clinique

Sunday is the day for us to unwind after a week of work and rush. In my case, since I'm working at the office from Monday to Saturday, Sunday becomes such a precious day for me to wake up early and run, to unwind and to do things I like such as reading, cafe hopping,...

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  • Ryo on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Makasih kak atas informasi nya, jangan lupa berkunjung ke web nikaniku ya..May 15, 10:23
  • ilhams on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikel ini bakalan berguna sekali buat istri yang sedang hamil, soalnya dicoba beberapa skincare tapi gak cocok buat bumil katanyaMay 15, 05:50
  • Jastitah on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Whoaa thanks yaa kak untuk infonya. Jadi paham tentang skincare buat bumil baik buruknya. Semoga kalau nanti sudah punya pasangan…May 15, 04:04
  • Tomy Tegar on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikelnya bagus dan informatif sekali, mungkin akan sya simpan untuk beberapa orang yang memerlukan informasi ini.. terimakasih telah berbagi informasinya…May 15, 03:26
  • Pipit ZL on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Wah keren nih skincare-nya bumil dan busui friendly. Memang kalau lagi hamil harus tetap cantik tanpa membahayakan janinMay 15, 03:09


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