Weekly Round Up

by | Nov 4, 2018 | Journal, Life as It Happened | 0 comments

“SMONDAY: the moment when Sunday stops feel like a Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in.”

I started blogging back in 2009 as a part of my uni assignments about digital media. Before hand, ever since the elementary school I liked to write on my diary. I use my writing habit as a way to document memories as well as to elaborate and analyze my thoughts and feelings. We all know moments are fleeting and being caught up in daily activities can make us sometimes take the moments for granted.

So here goes the Weekly Round Up.

What has happened this week?

#crgirldays a.k.a Work:

It’s the end of the year, which means time for the company’s annual plan. My boss has been busy with the annual plan and off course busy boss means busy meee! Hehehe. On Monday, seharian finishing chart power point for the sales department’s analysis. It took me seharian karena setiap habis beres 1 slide entah kenapa laptop selalu freezing. But I’m kinda proud of myself and my pie – bar charts because I still remember back in high school dulu saya suka ogah-ogahan sama materi MS Office (and that included MS Excel) dan lebih semangat waktu materi pelajaran komputer bahas Dreamweaver.  *lol*

Started to arrange the social media posts for my branch’s social media and to refocus on the online marketing karena selama ini we’re running late about managing the social media akibat banyaknya event dan agenda-agenda kerja lainnya.

Mengumpulkan ide-ide baru untuk enhancing customer delight moments di cabang, karena SOP becomes routines and being caught up in routines tends to decrease the employees’ personal touch in serving the customers. Padahal personal touch (urusan hati) itu yang paling mengena dan jadi faktor pelanggan untuk mau balik lagi purchase products or services and even recommend that certain products or services.

Personal life:

Honestly not so much has happened. In the heart department: still single and still wondering saya mesti main ke mana ya buat bisa membuka peluang bertemu that someone who clicks. Oh God please send me my Fitz. *pray* *bayangin Tony Goldwyn* *lol*

But on a side note, saya tergolong late bloomer. In this area, baru mikirin about serious relationship after I purchased my own car. Nah lho. Jadi ya ada yang bilang wajar sih kalo ketinggalan kereta sekarang. Ugh, darn you.

And still trying to figure out how to sneak in some quality time with parents and brother since everyone is busy.

And I didn’t run at all this week because I just feel constantly exhausted. Which I’m not proud at all. 

Tell me, how was your week going?

Written by Anty

A CR Girl turned stay at home Mom of 3 kids. Missus Heroine is the place where I share my thoughts and journey adapting into my new roles as well as many other things. Here I am, in a journey of becoming the Heroine I want myself to be.

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