
 “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.” – Joan Didion

Here I am, in a journey of becoming the heroine I want myself to be

Week 38-39: Final Verdict
Oh how time flies. Tak terasa saya sudah di penghujung masa kehamilan. It felt surreal, I had mixed feelings about it. I was happy to finally experience pregnancy. Saya mendengar ragam cerita pengalaman kehamilan dari saudara dan teman, and that gave me a head up on...
Final Weeks of Pregnancy & Unexpected Turns of Event
Hello, everyone! My 35-37 weeks pregnancy experience have been nothing but a rollercoaster ride. There were highs and some unexpected lows. Sudah lama saya kode-kode suami untuk pergi nge-date berdua. Setiap weekdays kami sibuk dengan urusan pekerjaan, anak, dan rumah...
Weekend Well Spent: Berkunjung ke Perpustakaan Umum Balai Pemuda
Beberapa hari lalu Dza melakukan field trip bersama sekolahnya ke Perpustakaan Balai Pemuda. Nah, sore harinya di rumah, dengan riang gembira Dza menceritakan pengalaman kunjungannya kepada saya dan kedua kakaknya. "Seru lho Mami. Ada English Corner, ada Korean...
32-34 Weeks: Pregnancy Exercise, Shopping and Checklists, etc!
Wow. I can't believe that I actually am reaching the final stage of this pregnancy.  One more month to go! I am having mixed feelings. This is going to be my first delivery, therefore I am anxious about it. No matter how much I ask my cousin about the technical...


Missus Heroine started out in 2009 as a digital project back when I studied in university. It has been evolved for me as a journal and medium of sharing my thoughts and experiences for me to look back to, to learn, and to grow into better being.

Posts are written alternately in English and Bahasa.


If asked what have I learned and what skills are needed throughout my years working, I’d say they are versatility and resilience. Faced with various tasks and situations with little to no preparations were my typical days, and those were worthy experiences!

Mau Blogwalking ke Mana? Intip Rekomendasinya!

Mau Blogwalking ke Mana? Intip Rekomendasinya!

Reading and writing are two of my favorite things. Since I like writing on my blogs, it is only natural for me to enjoy blog walking every now and then. Tujuan saya blog walking biasanya untuk refreshing, mencari inspirasi, dan juga buat hiburan hehehe. It is nice to...

Back to the Doctor Again After Covid-19

Back to the Doctor Again After Covid-19

April 21st marked the first time I came to see my doctor after recovering from Covid-19. Why did I took so long? When I had telemedicine with my doctor in February, she told me to finish 14 days of quarantine and then to add another 3 weeks before seeing her again. I...

Rekomendasi Channel Menonton di IndiHome

Rekomendasi Channel Menonton di IndiHome

Menonton televisi adalah kegiatan pengisi waktu luang yang paling mudah dan santai. Saat ini sudah ada beragam platform menonton yang menyajikan ragam tayangan menarik. Pilihan jadi sangat banyak, hingga kadang-kadang membuat kita overwhelmed. Semua menarik, mau...


  • Ryo on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Makasih kak atas informasi nya, jangan lupa berkunjung ke web nikaniku ya..May 15, 10:23
  • ilhams on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikel ini bakalan berguna sekali buat istri yang sedang hamil, soalnya dicoba beberapa skincare tapi gak cocok buat bumil katanyaMay 15, 05:50
  • Jastitah on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Whoaa thanks yaa kak untuk infonya. Jadi paham tentang skincare buat bumil baik buruknya. Semoga kalau nanti sudah punya pasangan…May 15, 04:04
  • Tomy Tegar on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikelnya bagus dan informatif sekali, mungkin akan sya simpan untuk beberapa orang yang memerlukan informasi ini.. terimakasih telah berbagi informasinya…May 15, 03:26
  • Pipit ZL on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Wah keren nih skincare-nya bumil dan busui friendly. Memang kalau lagi hamil harus tetap cantik tanpa membahayakan janinMay 15, 03:09


days as a CR Girl

A collection of stories as a CR Girl

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