Pregnancy & Baby

Pregnancy Journal

Pregnancy Journal

  Hello! It's been a while since I posted about my pregnancy journal. I guess my last post was around a year ago.  It was my first pregnancy, the one that was unexpected but I happily embraced. Then I stopped posting the journal... Here let me tell you the recap: at...

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#3: Changes Happen

#3: Changes Happen

 I am keeping this pregnancy journal series as written memories of what I experience throughout my pregnancy. This journal will be something to look back to fondly, with lessons learned and also something my children can read about later since Day, Dil and Dza...

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#2: Another Spot and Doctor Visit

#2: Another Spot and Doctor Visit

 December 20th, 2020. Hari Minggu, seperti biasa Bibi saya off. Jika saat weekdays saya cukup prepare daftar menu untuk satu minggu, kasih tau cara buat masakan yang saya mau ke Bibi dan icip-icip, maka di hari Minggu urusan masak-memasak saya tangani...

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#1: Spots and Doctor Visit

#1: Spots and Doctor Visit

 Friends is by far my most favorite TV Series. I enjoy Gossip Girl, Scandal and Bones, but hey... Friends is the one TV series that I can watch over and over again without being bored. Off course, I associate myself with Rachel: she's thin, she likes and works in...

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This is Me, Blooming

This is Me, Blooming

 It's been almost a year since our wedding day. We tied the knot back in January 19th, 2020 right before the pandemic hit. Ever since the wedding planning, people around me had been either poking the question.. or jokingly said, "Oh, you should get pregnant...

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  • Ryo on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Makasih kak atas informasi nya, jangan lupa berkunjung ke web nikaniku ya..May 15, 10:23
  • ilhams on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikel ini bakalan berguna sekali buat istri yang sedang hamil, soalnya dicoba beberapa skincare tapi gak cocok buat bumil katanyaMay 15, 05:50
  • Jastitah on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Whoaa thanks yaa kak untuk infonya. Jadi paham tentang skincare buat bumil baik buruknya. Semoga kalau nanti sudah punya pasangan…May 15, 04:04
  • Tomy Tegar on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “artikelnya bagus dan informatif sekali, mungkin akan sya simpan untuk beberapa orang yang memerlukan informasi ini.. terimakasih telah berbagi informasinya…May 15, 03:26
  • Pipit ZL on Pregnancy Skincare Routine: “Wah keren nih skincare-nya bumil dan busui friendly. Memang kalau lagi hamil harus tetap cantik tanpa membahayakan janinMay 15, 03:09


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