Many things changed during pregnancy and it was a completely new experience for me. Yes, I got more sensitive… and by sensitive I got runny nose and cough very easily. Exhausted? I coughed and got runny nose. There were dust in the room? You bet I’d sneeze. As if I was a walking hygiene censor!
This February we sent out nasi kotak as a form of syukuran 4 bulan. It was actually a thing that my Mom in law used to do whenever she was having a grandchild. In Islam, 4 months pregnancy meant that Allah had already given life and soul to the baby in womb. Through this syukuran we also prayed for my baby and I so that we could have smooth and healthy pregnancy as well as safe delivery. Aamiin!

At 23 weeks, I felt the baby kicked for the first time. I was walking toward my bedroom and I felt something like a soft pulse.
The day I came to see my doctor was Thursday, February 10th. It was the week where the surge of Omicron was starting. The doctor required all patients with cough/runny nose/Covid-19 like symptoms to do antigen swab before came in. I did the swab at the hospital’s ER. Waited 30 mins for the result, alhamdulillah it came back negative. We spent quite a long time at the hospital since the doctor had a surgery. When I eventually saw my doctor, she confirmed that the soft pulse was indeed the baby kicking!
On Friday, February 11th, my husband got a fever. I asked him to do PCR test but he refused. He said he was just exhausted because yesterday he was fasting and we spent hours at the hospital. My gut feeling said it was a Covid-19 symptom. On Monday, February 13th it was my turn. I had a fever and cough. The highest temperature for me was 39 degrees Celcius. I cried all night and worried about my baby. Eventually my husband and I took a PCR Test on Monday morning, February 14th. In the afternoon, I did telemedicine with my Obgyn. She gave me multivitamin, vitamin D3 1000 iu, and paracetamol. She told me to keep taking the pregnancy supplements: Folamil Genio and Cal-95. She also told me not to worry: the baby would be okay and that my due date is still far away… nothing to worry about.
Read also: Our Covid-19 timeline! How we got Covid-19 while I was 5 months pregnant!
As the doctor suggest, my husband and I did a full 14 days quarantine. I spent half of the quarantine sleeping alone, because my husband slept in different bedroom. I had heavy cough, anosmia that came and went, plus I sweated a lot (I didn’t use AC during quarantine). My symptoms were heavier than my husband’s and I felt uncomfortable most of the time, I thought it would be better if we slept separately. At least until I got better.
It was just my baby and I for half of the quarantine time. I didn’t know how he felt but I guessed he wasn’t comfortable either. Whenever I coughed, I was shaking like crazy and I apologized to him. Well, looking at the brighter side, my baby and I just had an experience together that noone had! Hehehe.