Here I am, laying in my bed at 07.00 p.m. right after dinner, totally exhausted but content!
I started my day at 06.30 by making breakfast for the kids: reheating the left over dinner. Haha. I was going to save time by also toasting some bread with sunny side eggs for kids’ school-breaktime and baking a cocoa banana bread for my husband’s buka puasa buuuut I forgot to order my groceries so yeah I was running out of eggs. Couldn’t do both. Must choose one.
By the way, since the pandemic Bibi doesn’t go to pasar anymore. My husband’s junior high school friend has a grocery stall nearby so we have him deliver our groceries twice a week. Practical, safe, and reasonably priced! Veggies, fruits, meat, poultry, fishes… you name it, he’ll deliver it to you.
Okay, back to my morning activity. The boys woke up a bit late but nevertheless they did their chores: made up their bed, sweeped and mopped the floor… therefore I didn’t complain. While Dza… ummm yeah she had a hard time waking up so I had my husband to do the honor.
Breakfast was served around 07.30. After I finished mine, I went back to the kitchen to bake the banana bread. I already mashed the bananas while I was preparing breakfast early on. I made two recipes because I wanted to use my loaf pan… and because I wanted to have more banana goodness to chew on!
I popped the bread batter in the oven at 08.30 for about 30 minutes. I checked on the kids: the boys were studying online though I had to “muscle” Dil a bit: threatened to take all his Lego away if he did not attend his classes. I know that for kids, being able to sit still, attending a lecture in front of a computer undistracted is hard. Especially for a kinesthetic learner like Dil, that’s why I give him options: he doesn’t have to sit on a chair, if he wanted to he could lay down or sit on the floor, whatever makes him comfortable as long as he attend his classes and the teacher can see his face.
While waited for the bread in the oven I cleaned up my bedroom, the TV and dining area. I opened new boxes of milk for the kids and I, poured them in their Tupperware boxes and made some milk for the kids and I. Kids had Dancow, Mami had the delicious Entrasol Active Moccachino. Yup, I like my high-calcium milk in coffee flavor because I don’t drink coffee. Coffee makes me ndredeg. I guess my nervous system hates caffeine!
There was a tempting smell from the kitchen, a sign that my bread has done! I love my version of banana bread. It consists of the things I love: dark cocoa, bananas, sprinkles of cheese and chocochips with a bit of cinnamon. Love!
It was 09.00 a.m. and the boys were about to have their break time in 30 minutes. I waited for the cake to cool while emptying the rest of my books from a big plastic container.
I had a bookshelf at my parents house that I wanted to move to my current house. I have been stalling to do this for a year and it saddened me because I am away from the books I love, that I sometimes re-read. Last Saturday, my husband and I visited my parents house and I picked up a container of my books. Here, I arranged the books in a temporary bookshelf until we had the time and means to move my big and heavy bookshelf from my parents home.
I served the kids cake, had a slice of my own too and ate it with Dza. Dza had her free schedule today and I let her do what she wanted: reading or drawing.
By 10.30 the boys have finished school. The boys must finish their school assignments and do Dhuhur prayers (with Dza also) before they can watch TV. I helped out with Dil’s assignment and we had lunch at 12.45 p.m. I left the boys to go to supermarket and to my parents house. When I drove back home it was pouring rain so I cleaned up my car with a wet Kanebo cloth. I also desinfected the interior of my car with 70% alcohol. Everything must be cleaned!
Afterwards I desinfected my stuffs (twice, because I’m half Monica): car keys, cellphone, purse etc using alcohol AND a UV Light Box my husband made. I stored my groceries in the shelf and tidied up my fridge a bit before I woke the kids up for shower time. I had about an hour for myself before husband came home. He was fasting so we had our dinner right after adzan Maghrib.
And here I am! On my bed! Let my husband and kids do their thing, Mami wants to sleeeeeeep!
“Remember that your time is your most valuable asset, so think about if what you’re doing is really what you want to spend your time on, think about if it’s getting you to a place that you want to go in the long run. If it’s not, go do something else.” – Shan-Lyn Ma, Co-founder of Zola
All in all, today has been a very well accomplished day. It’s not that I don’t do THIS much on other day, but today feels more structured and scheduled than other days. I have three kids that are still learning about the importance of knowing the time and discipline. More often than not, a well made schedule (with allocated spare time for the kids’ force majeurs) can’t be perfectly executed. Today is rare and I am content. Alhamdulillah!
Hopefully tomorrow will be as well manage as today… or even better!